HandyBuddy APIs


You first need to ask the site administrator for a pair of consumer key and secret.

You can authenticate endpoints using HTTP Basic Auth by providing the REST API Consumer Key as the username and the REST API Consumer Secret as the password.

cURL example is:

Whitelisting Your Domain

Our APIs are secured with domain-based access controls to prevent misuse by robots. Please contact the site administrator to whitelist your domain once your integration is complete.

API Rate Limits

There is a limit on API requests 25 requests per 10 seconds, sending more requests in this time frame will produce the following error.

    "error_code" : 1001,
    "error": "Rate limit exceeded. Please try again later."

Response Parameter Description:

  • error: This response returns when the API calling limit is exceeded.

Check Coverage

This API checks whether the service coverage is available for a given zip code.

Endpoint URL :   GET: https://www.expertmarketplace.org/wp-json/wc/order/checkcoverage/

  • Acceptapplication/json – string – required
  • zipcode – string –required (the zip code to check availability for.).
  • prefix – string – optional (this is a provider prefix on ExpertMarketPlace, you can optionally pass it to check if that provider serves the given zip code).
    "coverage_available": "yes"

Response Parameter Description:

  • coverage_available: “yes” means provider available on this zip code coverage area
  • coverage_available: “no” means provider not available on this zip code coverage area

Get a Quote

This API returns the price for a service on a give zip code.

Endpoint URL :      GET: https://www.expertmarketplace.org/wp-json/wc/service/get_quote/

  • zipcode – string – required (The zip code to check the service cost for)
  • sku – string – required ( This is service SKU from www.handybuddy.com)
    "data": {
         "service_id": 1042,
         "service_price": "195.95"


Response Parameter Description:

  • service_id : This is Service ID
  • service_price: This is Service price

SKU not found error response:

    "error_code" : 1003,
    "error": "SKU not found."

Response Parameter Description:

  • error_code : This is error code
  • error: This is Error Message

HandyBuddy SMART Links

Append the standard HandyBuddy product/service URL with one or more the following parameters:

?sku=    where sku is the item # of the exact service (i.e. variant) based upon the size, model, type, etc

?postal_code=    where postal_code is the zip code of where the service is to be performed. This will bypass the zip code modal.

?ref=    where ref is the affiliate code given to you by HandyBuddy administrator that uniquely identifies you to our analytics app

Ex: https://www.handybuddy.com/domi-outdoor-living-wall-mounted-sunroom-installation/?sku=DOM1015-WS-10-12&?postal_code=77055